7 Reason to Learn PRP for Barbers

7 Reason to Learn PRP for Barbers

As a barber or salon owner, you know the importance of staying ahead of the competition. In today’s market, offering hair loss solutions is an increasingly sought-after service, and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a valuable skill to add to your...
PRP for Transgender Men

PRP for Transgender Men

With transgender men going through a hormonal change with an increase in testostrone they will start to grow hair on the face armpits and stomach. We treat a lot of trans-men who wish to achieve a thicker fuller beard on the face to help increase the density and...
5 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

5 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

5 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss Whether it is hereditary, medical or after childbirth.. balding, hair thinning and Hair loss is a stressful time for both men and women. Either way, there is a Hair Loss treatment out there to help with all of your concerns. Depending where...
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