B12 Vitamin Shot

B12 Vitamin Injection for Hair GROWTH



Every cell in the body uses vitamin B12. It contributes to the maintenance of healthy nervous system function and is crucial for DNA synthesis. Red blood cells must be formed as well. It aids in the metabolism of amino acids, which is vital for the health of your hair (the building blocks of hair). Additionally, it supports the health of your red blood cells, enabling them to adequately oxygenate all of your tissues, including your hair follicles.

When your body is unable to absorb vitamin B12 from your diet due to the condition known as pernicious anaemia, you may experience vitamin B12 insufficiency. It may also occur if your diet is deficient in foods high in vitamin B12 or if you are using drugs that prevent the absorption of this vitamin. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include; extreme tiredness, lack of energy, muscle weakness, disturbed vision, low mood, hair loss and premature greying of hair.


B12 for hair



Hair is made of a protein called keratin. This substance is dead, which is why it doesn’t hurt when you get your hair cut. But, your hair follicles, located just under the surface of your skin, are very much alive. The bulb, which is the bottom part of the follicle, is made up of the fastest growing cells in the human body, dividing every 23 to 72 hours.

At the base of the bulb is the papilla, which contains blood vessels. Its main job is to connect your follicles to your body’s blood supply to deliver the oxygen and nutrients necessary for hair growth. Since B12 helps produce red blood cells, having enough of this vitamin is essential to the hair growth process. When hair loss and/or hair thinning is an issue, you will require periodic B12 injections encouraging regrowth.

can lack of vitamin b12 cause hair loss



Hair is made of a protein called keratin. This substance is dead, which is why it doesn’t hurt when you get your hair cut. But, your hair follicles, located just under the surface of your skin, are very much alive. The bulb, which is the bottom part of the follicle, is made up of the fastest growing cells in the human body, dividing every 23 to 72 hours.

At the base of the bulb is the papilla, which contains blood vessels. Its main job is to connect your follicles to your body’s blood supply to deliver the oxygen and nutrients necessary for hair growth. Since B12 helps produce red blood cells, having enough of this vitamin is essential to the hair growth process. When hair loss and/or hair thinning is an issue, you will require periodic B12 injections encouraging regrowth.



Single Session

4 Sessions
£35 per session
Total £140 

Annual Course
£33.25 per session
Total £540 Now £399!

We recommend a B12 injection every week for 4 weeks, and then followed by a 1 injection a month for optimum results.



With age you loose collagen in your skin and can end up with brittle nails. B12 is medically proven to help retain the elasticity of the skin and strengthen the nail-bed to prevent weak nails.


Most people have an iron defficiency and don’t even know it. Common signs are fatigue, over appetite, exhaustion and dehydration.


Due to a plant based diet vegans lack B12 which would normally found in Eggs, Meat and Fish. Supplements take a minimum of 60 days before becoming effective where as a B12 shot works instantly.


Our Customers

PRP Before and After
Before and After PRP
PRP Before After Results
results PRP hair


What does vitamin B12 do for you?

Vitamin B12 is vital for health, required for proper red blood cell (RBC) formation + provides the body with energy. It’s involved in approximately 100 vital bodily functions including DNA synthesis, protein conversion, neurological function + fatty acid production. Because it’s so important for health, it’s the foundation of all our formulas. Benefits include improved energy, better sleep, elevated mood (it raises serotonin), increased focus, hormone regulation, hair growth + so much more!

How is a B12 shot different than taking an oral supplement?

Many people have trouble with nutrient absorption—from supplements or food—due to the presence of intestinal inflammation, poor gut health, or a deficiency of intrinsic factors—glycoprotein produced in the stomach that’s essential for B12 absorption. Injecting nutrients intramuscularly sidesteps this issue by delivering nutrients directly to the cells, feeding your body instantaneously for immediate utilization.

How long will the effects of a B12 shot last?

The effects of our shots vary between individuals. Most people feel the effects for about one week. The nutrients we provide are water-soluble; the only water-soluble nutrient that has the capability of being stored in the body is vitamin B12, so whatever your body doesn’t readily utilise it will store for later use. If your body stores are full, the B12 your body doesn’t need will be excreted in the urine, which may appear to be pink-ish.

Do the shots hurt?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different; however, discomfort or pain is more common when you are dehydrated, tense, or you’ve just worked out the muscle we’ve just injected … or (C) … all of the above! The key is to relax, be well-nourished + hydrated! Being well-hydrated also decreases risk of bruising from an injection.

A shot typically causes little to no pain. You will be instructed on how to stand + breathe for relaxation + the most comfortable experience.

I'm not vegan, why would I need a B12 shot?

B12 deficiency isn’t just a problem for vegans; many people develop a B12 deficiency regardless of their diet—it has more to do with lack of absorption rather than lack of intake. The Framingham Offspring study found that 39% of the general population may be in the low normal + deficient B12 blood level range. There was no significant difference between those who ate meat + those who did not. New research shows that eating animal products causes animal sugars, such as Neu5Gc, to become attached to cells that line our hollow organs, like the stomach, causing the body to make antibodies against these sugars resulting in chronic inflammation and, therefore, impaired B12 absorption. Everyone needs vitamin B12 + the best way to supplement B12 is by intramuscular (IM) injection.

Is your B12 vegan?

Yes! Our B12 is derived from natural cultures that are not animal sourced.

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